Hi there! Is there a wat to build 0 or one to many relation?
It would be great to change one-to-many or zero-or-one-to-many depending on nullability of foreign key.
Another idea: changing relation to one-to-one after applying unique constraint on foreign key
We’re considering implementing zero/optional relationships.
This is a feature suggestion relevant to your inquiry. Perhaps you could vote for it.
Update March 2025: This feature was recently released. You can now test it by defining a relationship with and without nullability for the foreign key. For instance:
Table follows {
following_user_id int [ref: > users.id] // optional relationship
followed_user_id int [ref: > users.id, null] // optional relationship
Table posts {
id int [pk]
user_id int [ref: > users.id, not null] // mandatory relationship
Table users {
id int [pk]
The outcome will be as follows: