Suggestion: ability to type in the Table location

When using this I wished to keep the table position data in with the rest of the markup.

First I found myself lining up a bunch of tables at the left edge of the and snapping them there. Then moving the window over to the next set of tables, to snap the next set, and so on. Then to get the vertical positions nice, I used a Pokémon card to measure the distance between the bottom of one and the top of another.

Secondly, I would delete a table, then CTRL-Z it back in, and it lost where it was placed.

Thirdly, I wanted to make a similar table diagram, with the idea of exporting each, and mashing them together as a gif. So I copied the markup into a new document, and bam, it’s all wonky. I guess I could open each in tabs, and switch back and forth, moving each table to the right spot. back and forth.

Suggestion, add it to the note, the one with the big block:

Table thing1 {
  id 1
  note {
    x = 10
    y = 20
    'This thing is the main thing'

As I put this in I thought if we could reference another table we could get groups.

Table thing2 {
  parent_id uuid [ref: <]
  id 1
  note {
    x = thing1.left + 10
    y = + 5
    'This thing belongs with the other thing'
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I guess I could have read further.