Bug: Composite Primary Keys no longer displaying in bold

As the title says, if I define a table as having multiple primary keys, they are no longer displayed in bold on the diagram. For example, something like

Table example {
    id1 int [pk]
    id2 int [pk]
    val int

would previously show both id1 and id2 in bold to indicate they form a composite primary key. Now they display as plain text.

Thank you for your report, Luke.

We’ve well-noted the visualization’s issue & will fix it shortly.

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For completeness the primary key highlight is also not applied when defining single or composite keys in the indexes section. For example, these two table definitions do not display the key fields in bold:

table pk_test_1 {
  id1 int
  id2 int
    id1 [pk]
table pk_test_2 {
  id1 int
  id2 int
    (id1, id2) [pk]

The diagram shows


We have released a version that fixed the issue & covered the above cases. Feel free to give it a try.
