Choose workspace when making a copy from version history

We use the Team Plan, so we have a Team workspace with pro functionality, but my private workspace does not have pro functionality. I would like to be able to make a copy of my diagram from the version history, and have it save to my team workspace instead of my personal workspace.

Hi @azelip

To migrate a diagram using version history in dbdiagram, you can extract the DBML from your desired version in one workspace and paste it into a new diagram in another workspace.

Let me know if that works for you

Hi @Phat_Nguyen_Truong , unfortunately that doesn’t work, because I will lose the table layout (this is a large project so it took me quite awhile to arrange all of the tables).


Hi @azelip,

Thank you for your suggestion. We’ll consider this feature in the future.

In the meantime, you can use our APIs as a workaround to copy your diagrams. The process will look like this:

  1. Create a diagram in your team workspace first.
  2. Extract the DBML + table layout data. You can get the table layout data when inspecting the GET method when accessing a diagram.
  3. Update your diagram by using the update diagram API with DBML content + diagram layout data.

I hope it can help.