DBdocs release and pricing plans


I just found DBdocs.IO (and dbdiagram.IO) and it really looks promissing.
We were evaluating DataEDO, but thats no longer an option as during evaluation they increased their price from USD2000 to USD8000 / year (in earlier this year it was still USD39/month…) .

However, is the project still in development? On their website it still says “Pricing plans coming up in Q2, 2022” and that has passed by now. also I’m curious to the planning on next roadmap features, like the export feature.

Thanks, Roeland

We’re happy that you’re interested in our products.

Yes, dbdocs is still in development. We believe the export features will arrive soon.

On the other hand, since we’re focusing on the Team Workspace features for dbdiagram, the pricing plans for dbdocs will have some delays.
