Failed: Cannot read property start

I am using the CLI but when I try to run dbdocs build it returns an error

Failed: Cannot read property ‘start’ of undefined

I have already updated node but I don’t know what else could be happening

Hi @begento,

I’m Nguyen from the dbdocs team. Thank you for reporting the issue.

Could you please provide the CLI version and the DBML file for us to investigate further?
You can send them directly to


Hello Hoang,
I encountered the same error as begento’s. I found out that “note” can’t be used to define the column. I hope you find a solution for this soon because I’m working with Korean clients and it would be helpful to have the column’s name both in English and Korean in my case. Thank you very much for your team’s hard work and I love dbdocs so much!

Hi @Ngoc_Tram_Nguyen,

Welcome to our community!

Please provide more details about what you trying to do when the errors happen. Additionally, could you please supply the CLI version and DBML file so that we can explore further?
You can email them directly to

Thank you