I’d love to be able to specify if the INT is SIGNED or UNSIGNED.
Would provide a lot of value.
I’d love to be able to specify if the INT is SIGNED or UNSIGNED.
Would provide a lot of value.
I agree with @WELZ. I see that unsigned is labelled as a keyword by the dbdiagram.io web app, however when used it throws an error.
@huy will this be implemented anytime soon?
Is there any news on this?
Ah, came looking to post something asking about this very thing. Was this ever added?
You can do it like this: id “bigint unsigned”. This solution included in oficial documentation
Any news for this?
While we could use [column] “int unsigned”, it’s still a hacky solution for something that is still not supported.
I tried to use “bigint unsigned” as proposed in the manual. But it fails with “(165:7) Invalid column type”. So, will there be any update to the app that will allow “unsigned” flag? Or am I missing something?
Hi @sjiamnocna,
The syntax works fine. Here is an example:
Table users {
id "bigint unsigned" [pk]
username varchar(255) [not null, unique]
Result: dbdiagram.io - Database Relationship Diagrams Design Tool
Could you share the screenshot or the DBML content that caused the error?
I suppose I had some bad character in there.
It solved by copy pasting your code.