How can I make a CHECK restriction?


I’m using dbdiagram in order to design my databases, and I find it really useful. Some days ago I needed to use a CHECK constrain, but I couldn’t find any way to do it in the dbdiagram (but I was able to do an Enum constraint). It’s possible to do ir, or dbdiagram doesn’t allow us to do a check restriction?

Hope anyone can help me, I’m a bit lost and I don’t know how to do it. :sweat_smile:


Hi Tupiet,

We currently don’t have any check constraint syntax for dbml.


Thanks for answering!

Alright, no problem then. If I’d like to suggest it, where could I do that? I’m new at this community, haha.


Hi Tupiet,

You could drop a suggestion here at our forum or on our dbml github page.


Amazing! Thanks for all your help. ^^