How to sign up for Team Plan?

Slightly reluctantly having to sign up to post to a community for an answer to this question, however…Does anyone know how I might be able to sign up for an d pay for the Team plan for my company? We need to get a team of 5 or 6 using the paid version, however, when either myself (not signed up) or a Developer (using their account) clicks through to the Team plan, it simply says “Get Started Free” and takes us to the interface.
What would normally happen (on other platforms) is that we are directed to a sales contact, an email address, phone number or form. How do we sign up and hand over our cash?


Welcome to our community,

To use Team plans, first, you need to create a Team workspace.

To create a team workspace:

  1. On the in-app interface, hover over the app icon in the upper left corner.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select New Team Workspace. Note: you need to log in to see the New Team Workspace option
  3. A popup will appear. From there, click on the Start 7-Day free trial button to start the Team plan.

Here’s a short clip to make it easier to follow


We hope this will help.
