Importing from PostgreSQL doesn't remove quotation marks

During importing from PostgreSQL table definitions, dbdiagrams doesn’t cleanup quatation marks from table and column names. Shown as below:

Table "roles" {
  "id" serial [pk, increment]
  "created_at" timestamp(3) [not null, default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`]
  "updated_at" timestamp(3) [not null]
  "status" user_accounts.status [not null, default: `'active'::user_accounts.status`]
  "name" text [not null]
  "description" text [not null]

Hi Nikli,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are investigating this issue. We will notify you whenever there are new updates.

Best regards,
Huy Phung

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Hi Nikli,

Thank you for letting us know.

This is indeed a bug from our Postgres importer and have noted this issue to the team, we’ll let you know when it’s fixed.
