Manually move reference lines

I’m working on a database schema that isn’t even remotely complex, and some of my reference lines overlap (co-linearly). This makes it impossible to visually identify the reference connections once exported.

Is there a way to manually move the lines to eliminate overlaps? This a deal breaker if not. The diagramming is useless to me if the references can not be clearly distinguished.

See example:


Really? No replies? I can’t be the only one with this issue.

Hi @Robert_Rowland, Sorry for the inconvenience.
Currently, we don’t have plan to support moving reference lines manually.
For your issue, i suggest exporting to PDF so that you can have a highlight version of your diagram.

I think Robert_Rowland suggested a really important feature.
People use DB Diagrams to document, improve readability and make easy to get the relations among tables. And the lines play an important role in this. is doing an excelent job! please include this in the roadmap!

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I’ll third this. I have a fairly complex schema with 67 tables and the diagram is nearly unusable. I’ve rearranged tables as much as I can to help with overlap and lines crossing, but it’s still basically a hot mess.

I’d like to +1 this. I wanted to organize tables neatly, but then I have a lot of reference lines that are disappearing under other tables and it’s impossible to see where they’re going. I’m having to arrange tables purely on how the lines happen to get drawn and so then the whole diagram is not as nice looking.

Hi guys,
Since many users request this feature, we’ll seriously consider implementing it in the future.

Thank you.

+1 from me as well. Colinear reference lines make printed schemas nearly useless.
Colinear reference lines mean I have to click the lines to check the relationship.

Still not able to do this? using for dev maps and literally having to start over to change a name is insane man

+1. or however many it takes.

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This seems to block dbdiagram from being a serious db diagraming tool for more than a handful of entities where you can just move around the entities until the relationships are readable. Most DBs will include many more entities, so this will block us from fully using dbdiagram as replacement for our current ER software.

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While waiting for this feature to be implemented, a workaround is to export the SQL and use Drawio with the SQL plugin. Once imported, you can manually create relationship lines. This works well for small ERDs, but may be time-consuming with large diagrams.


Manual adjustment of reference lines is now supported. More information can be found at New Feature: Adjustable Relationship Lines.


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