MySql import error

I tried to import my db in mysql and it gives the errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed" error.

I changed nothing to the sql file and all the databases are created but it crashes once it arrives at the references.

What do i do?

Hi Sander_Brilman
Thanks for letting us know,
Can you give us the sql or dbml code that fails?

Thanks for replying!

Here are both the dbml and the mysql it generates.


Table users {
  user_id int [not null]
  name varchar(255) [not null]
  email varchar(255) [not null, unique]
  password varchar(255) [not null]
  tel varchar(20) [not null]
  paid tinyint(1) [NOT NULL, default: 0, Note: '0 = not paid, 1 = paid']

Table bab {
  id int [pk, increment]
  title varchar(40) [NOT NULL]
  short_description varchar(150) [NOT NULL]
  description text [NOT NULL]
  city varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  address varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  post_code varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  capacity tinyint [NOT NULL]
  price smallint [NOT NULL]
  website varchar(255) [note: 'paid only']
  Note: 'bed and breakfast table'

Table rooms {
  bab_id int [NOT NULL]
  room_id int [pk, increment]
  title varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  description text [NOT NULL]
  capacity tinyint [NOT NULL]
  price smallint [NOT NULL]
  Note: 'images for paid only'

table images {
  image_id int [pk, increment]
  alt VARCHAR(255) [NOT NULL, default: 'Foto']
  path varchar(255) [NOT NULL]

table reviews {
    bab_id int [NOT NULL]
    id int [pk, increment]
    text text [NOT NULL]
    hidden_text text
    stars tinyint [NOT NULL]

table reactions {
    reaction_id int [pk, increment, NOT NULL]
    review_id int [NOT NULL]
    text text [NOT NULL]

Ref: "reactions"."review_id" - "reviews"."id"

Ref: "rooms"."room_id" < "images"."image_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "images"."image_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "reviews"."bab_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "rooms"."bab_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" - "users"."user_id"


CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `user_id` int NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `tel` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `paid` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0 = not paid, 1 = paid'

  `title` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `short_description` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `city` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `post_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `capacity` tinyint NOT NULL,
  `price` smallint NOT NULL,
  `website` varchar(255) COMMENT 'paid only'

CREATE TABLE `rooms` (
  `bab_id` int NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `capacity` tinyint NOT NULL,
  `price` smallint NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `images` (
  `alt` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "Foto",
  `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `reviews` (
  `bab_id` int NOT NULL,
  `text` text NOT NULL,
  `hidden_text` text,
  `stars` tinyint NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `reactions` (
  `review_id` int NOT NULL,
  `text` text NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE `bab` COMMENT = 'bed and breakfast table';

ALTER TABLE `rooms` COMMENT = 'images for paid only';

ALTER TABLE `reviews` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `reactions` (`review_id`);

ALTER TABLE `images` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `rooms` (`room_id`);

ALTER TABLE `images` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `bab` (`id`);

ALTER TABLE `reviews` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`bab_id`) REFERENCES `bab` (`id`);

ALTER TABLE `rooms` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`bab_id`) REFERENCES `bab` (`id`);

ALTER TABLE `users` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `bab` (`id`);

The mysql is straight from the export, i did not change it.

Hi Sander_Brilman,
I think you should create unique constraint for review_id field of reaction table. It helps to ensure the integrity of the data. A UNIQUE constraint, for instance, makes sure that there is at most one instance of any possible value (or tuple, in the case of a composite constraint) in a table.
You can try:

Table users {
  user_id int [not null]
  name varchar(255) [not null]
  email varchar(255) [not null, unique]
  password varchar(255) [not null]
  tel varchar(20) [not null]
  paid tinyint(1) [NOT NULL, default: 0, Note: '0 = not paid, 1 = paid']

Table bab {
  id int [pk, increment]
  title varchar(40) [NOT NULL]
  short_description varchar(150) [NOT NULL]
  description text [NOT NULL]
  city varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  address varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  post_code varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  capacity tinyint [NOT NULL]
  price smallint [NOT NULL]
  website varchar(255) [note: 'paid only']
  Note: 'bed and breakfast table'

Table rooms {
  bab_id int [NOT NULL]
  room_id int [pk, increment]
  title varchar(255) [NOT NULL]
  description text [NOT NULL]
  capacity tinyint [NOT NULL]
  price smallint [NOT NULL]
  Note: 'images for paid only'

table images {
  image_id int [pk, increment]
  alt VARCHAR(255) [NOT NULL, default: 'Foto']
  path varchar(255) [NOT NULL]

table reviews {
    bab_id int [NOT NULL]
    id int [pk, increment]
    text text [NOT NULL]
    hidden_text text
    stars tinyint [NOT NULL]

table reactions {
    reaction_id int [pk, increment, NOT NULL]
    review_id int [NOT NULL, unique]
    text text [NOT NULL]

Ref: "reactions"."review_id" - "reviews"."id"

Ref: "rooms"."room_id" < "images"."image_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "images"."image_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "reviews"."bab_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" < "rooms"."bab_id"

Ref: "bab"."id" - "users"."user_id"


Ah i see, So the foreign key of a 1 to 1 relationship must have the unique constraint. Thanks for your help!

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