Nested Schema Support in

Nested schema is not supported

Table dbname.dbo.tablename_A {


Table dbname.dbo.tablename_B{


Which database vendor are you using that supports nested schemas? Your example is nesting the schema “dbo” inside the database “dbname”.

Different vendors use the term “schema” in different ways; two I know about are MS SQL Server, which uses the format you gave as an example where you have server.database.schema.table and MySQL which has server.schema.table - where schema is what most people call a database.

Please add some more information to your feature request so others can better understand what you are asking for.

I need support for nested schemas in the style of SQL Server, where the naming format includes the database name, schema name, and table or view name, with optional server name support. For example:

  • With server name: server1.db1.dbo.tableA and server2.db2.dbo.tableB
  • Without server name: db1.dbo.tableA and db2.dbo.tableB
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