New Feature: Customizing Table/Field Notes with Markdown

To enrich your table/field descriptions, you can now use Markdown syntax to present code blocks, sample data tables, related URLs, and so on.

On the other hand, by changing the way we display notes (in a separate popup), we hope you will find it easier to read long notes that were previously narrowed in small tooltips.


New Table Notes with Markdown supported

From dbdiagram team w/ :heart:

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I’m excited about this feature! But it… doesn’t seem to work? Or at least doesn’t seem to work intuitively in my experience of it so far?

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Hi @chiubaka,

Thank you for your comment.
I am Huy Phung from the dbdiagram team.

We’d appreciate it if you could provide your current use case. For instance, how did you use this feature? It could help us thoroughly investigate the problem you’re having.

Best regards,
Huy Phung

I’m doing some complex data integration and data modeling and I’d like to make sure that all tables and columns and their relationships are carefully documented.

I’m therefore very excited about the idea of being able to use markdown in comments, and I do notice the markdown icon in DbDocs, but so far nothing I’ve tested has actually rendered the markdown in DbDocs.

I’ve tested things as simple as just

Test Heading


# Test Heading

Without seeing these render.

Hi @chiubaka ,

I am Huy Le from the dbdiagram team.

I’ve tried your example, and it still worked. Could you please provide us with a screenshot of your issue as well as the DBML code so that we can thoroughly explore it?

Huy Le

Hi @chiubaka ,

We discovered a use case that caused a markdown rendering error.

Project test {
  Note: '''
    # Test Heading

Table users {
  id integer [pk]
  username varchar [not null]

In this case, the markdown compiler understands that the content inside is a code block.

So if this is your problem, you just remove all the whitespace at the beginning of the line, and the markdown will work.

Project test {
  Note: '''
# Test Heading

Table users {
  id integer [pk]
  username varchar [not null]

I hope this helps!


Aha! That does indeed solve my problem. The indentation is a little awkward IMO, but I’m happy to have this feature working–it’s a game changer for me :).

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