Support many-to-many relationship in DBML

As per discussed at these places:

Consider supporting native many-to-many relationship in DBML.

Current proposed syntax:

Table books {
  id int [pk]
  name varchar
Table authors {
  id [pk]
  name varchar
Ref books_authors: <> // many-to-many


Table books {
  id int [pk]
  name varchar
Table authors {
  id [pk]
  name varchar
Table books_authors {
  book_id int
  author_id int
  indexes {
    (book_id, author_id) [pk]
Ref: > books_authors.book_id
Ref: > books_authors.author_id

Please upvote so that we can prioritize accordingly.

I have no idea why this is not implemented and it needs a vote, its basic ERD stuff.

From this notation, what would you expect the generated SQL to look like?

If it takes only the primary keys for field names the SQL will not be valid - two fields will have the same name: id - so you would have to prepend the table name: books_id

But if people already use distinct primary key names, e.g. if the books table already has a primary key book_id, you would end up with the join table field called books_book_id.

Seems to me the choice will always annoy someone :slight_smile:

Apologies, I think the correct syntax should be follows (the .id should be explicit)

Ref books_authors: <> // many-to-many

And I think it will be equivalent to the following DBML:

Table books {
  id int [pk]
  name varchar
Table authors {
  id [pk]
  name varchar
Table books_authors {
  id int [pk]
  book_id int
  author_id int
Ref: > books_authors.book_id
Ref: > books_authors.author_id

But if people already use distinct primary key names, e.g. if the books table already has a primary key book_id , you would end up with the join table field called books_book_id .

Yes you’re right, though I guess if they really care about the structure of the bridge table, they can opt to go with the explicit (two many-to-ones) route.

The id primary key in this table is not necessary, the primary key needs to be a composite of the book_id and author_id, otherwise you have the possibility for duplicate rows.

Many ORM frameworks rely on a single PK per table but not all databases are designed for use with ORMs.

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You’re right, thanks for the suggestion! A simpler/better one should be:

Table books_authors {
  book_id int
  author_id int
  indexes {
    (book_id, author_id) [pk]

I’ve updated the original post.

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Update June 2022: This feature has been developed and released. Please see below for the official announcement.

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This doesn’t seem to actually work. All I get is Expected "." but ":" found. from any attempt at exercising this syntax:

Table orders {
  id integer [primary key]
  created_at timestamp

Table fulfillments {
  id integer [primary key]
  created_at timestamp

Ref orders_fulfillments: <>

Hi @nurple,

The DBML syntax you provided is correct. The resulting diagram is shown below:

Please provide more information about the issue you are experiencing so that we can assist you effectively, such as:

  • Screenshot of the error
  • The DBML content that raises the error


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