Timestamptz not null

Trying to import the following postgresql without success:

create table events (
    id uuid primary key,
    name text not null,
    description text,
    starts_at timestamptz not null,
    ends_at timestamptz not null,
    group_id uuid references groups(id) not null ,
    venue_id uuid references venues(id),
    tag_id uuid references tags(id),
    canceled boolean default false

Does not like:

 starts_at timestamptz not null,
 ends_at timestamptz not null,

Hi @paulywill, I’m khoa from the dbdiagram team. Thank you for your feedback.
Currently we haven’t supported timestamptz, only timestamp for now.
We will put this in our backlog and notice you when we support it.

Hi @paulywill,
Postgresql imports using the data types timestamptz and timetz are now supported. Try it out and let us know what you think.

Thank you very much!