Toggle between displaying all columns, displaying only key (PK, FK) columns

Hi I’m new on dbdiagram.
When I switch in key (detail level), the composite key not appear in the diagram, is it normal or is it a bug?
Thanks a lot.

Hi there!

I am Rachel from the dbdiagram team. As this issue is quite new, would you mind sharing your diagram URL or a screenshot of that problem? We would like to look further into it!

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Detail Level screenshot

and Key Level screenshot

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Hi Jean,

Thank you for providing such specific information.
I am Huy from the dbdiagram Engineer Team.

After reviewing your cases, we determined that this is a problem on our end. The Keys level should properly display all composite primary keys. This will be addressed. When there is a new update, we will notify you.

Best Regards
Huy Phung

Hi Jean,

We published a new version to address this issue. Please assist us in re-checking it on your end.

Best Regards
Huy Phung

It works now, thank you.

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