IMPROVEMENT - Highlight only row clicked on

Hello Team,

This is similar to point #1 in this thread: Possible improvements to interface/visualization

However, instead of making them different colors, maybe just highlight the row that is clicked on in both the target table and the relationship the table shares.


  • table A - Order_id (PK), Phone, Address, Customer_id
  • table B - Order_id, Customer_ID, Product_id

Both table A/B have a reference on order_id and customer_id

Ideally, if I click on table A, order_id; it’ll be easier to just highlight order_id in table A/B rather than order_id and customer_id.


I also need this, but let me simplify the explanation so it is easier to understand:

When I click on a field, I want it to highlight ONLY the connections to/from that field, not all connections going to the table.


  • when click/hover a table: show all connections to/from table.
  • when click/hover a field: show only connections to/from that field.

And you might be thinking: but you can already highlight the connections bu hovering them, right?"

Wrong: if more than one connection leaves the same field (for example: multiple connections to the “user.userID” field), then hovering the connection will only highlight one of many many connections, showing misleading/incomplete info to the user.

Hi @Fairtale,

Thank you for your suggestion.

We have added this improvement to our backlog. We will let you know if we have any updates related to this feature.
