After publishing the Tableheader color defaults to the same blue color. While the color shows up in edit mode in the editor screen, the published version does not renter the color.
Hi Adnan,
Thank you for reporting the issue.
We are not sure about the problem you are facing. Please provide some screenshots or a sample DBML content that caused the issue for us to investigate further.
I did provide some details earlier. When creating the diagram, the colors work fine.
However, after publishing the colors disappear.
Project FieldGlass{
database_type: 'MS SQL Server'
note: '''
# Schema Notes
This table contains the ERD for all tables related to the field glass project.
Three schemas are included:
## Entities
A high-level schematic of all all relevant entities in Dynamics 365 System.
## PRM
The actual tables in Dataverse that need to be exported.
The data mart where all the scrubbed data will be stored on the Azure SQL tables.
// PRM Tables
Table PRM.Campaign [note:'internal name: campaign', headercolor: #990D0D] {
CampaignID integer [primary key, ref: < PRM.Campaign_Activity.regardingobjectid]
Name CHAR(100) [note: 'Primary name column']
Campaign_CampaignActivities CHAR(100)
proposedstart date
proposedend date
stn_studysiteid CHAR(100) [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Campaign_Activity [note:'internal name: campaignactivity', headercolor: #990D0D] {
activityid CHAR(100) [primary key, note: 'Campaign Activity Key']
subject CHAR(500) [note: 'Activity name']
regardingobjectid CHAR (500) [note: 'Foreign key for Campaigns']
Channel char(100) [note: "Internal Name: stn_channelcode"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Lead [note:'internal name: lead', headercolor: #990D0D] {
leadid integer [primary key, note: "Internal Name: msdyncrm_leadid"]
stn_sourcecampaignactivityid CHAR(100) [ref: > PRM.Campaign_Activity.activityid, note:'Foreign Key to Campaign Activities']
new_siteid CHAR(100) [ref: > PRM.Site.siteid]
firstname CHAR(100)
lastname char(100)
parentcontactid CHAR(100) [note: "Foreign key to Contacts table"]
StateCode ENUM.LeadStatus [note: "Integer Value: Open=0 / Qualified=1 / Disqualified=2"]
StatusCode integer [note: "1=New, 2=Contacted, 823270000=Marketing Qualified"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
stn_type int [note: "Lead Type Code"]
Table PRM.Contact [note:'internal name: contact', headercolor: #990D0D] {
contactid integer [primary key, ref: < PRM.Lead.parentcontactid, note:'Foreign Key for Leads', ref: < PRM.Activity.regardingobjectid]
originatingleadid CHAR(100) [ref: > PRM.Lead.leadid]
stn_patientid integer [note: "Foreign key back to CC PatientID"]
StateCode ENUM.ActiveInactive [note: "Integer value: Active = 0 / Inactive = 1"]
stn_laststudysiteid integer
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Study [note:'internal name: new_study', headercolor: #990D0D] {
new_StudyID integer [primary key]
new_Name char(100) [note: 'Study Protocol or Name']
stn_intaketoscreeningratio integer [note: 'Intake to Screening Ratio, baseline ration']
stn_leadtointakeratio integer [note: 'Lead to Intake Ratio - baseline ratio']
stn_screeningtorandomizeratio integer
stn_requiredintakes integer [note: 'Required Intakes']
stn_requiredleads integer
stn_requiredscreening integer
StateCode ENUM.ActiveInactive [note: "Integer Value: Active=0 / Inactive = 1"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Study_Site [note:'internal name: new_studysite', headercolor: #990D0D] {
new_studysiteid integer [primary key, ref: < PRM.Contact.stn_laststudysiteid]
StudySiteName char(100) [note: "Internal Name: new_Name"]
new_studyid integer [ref: > PRM.Study.new_StudyID, note: 'Foreign key to Study table']
new_siteid integer [ref: > PRM.Site.siteid, note: 'Foreign key for Site table']
new_startdate date [note: "Start date at the study site level"]
new_enddate date [note: "End date at the study site level"]
stn_intaketoscreeningratio integer [note: 'Intake to Screening Ratio, baseline ration']
stn_leadtointakeratio integer [note: 'Lead to Intake Ratio - baseline ratio']
stn_screeningtorandomizeratio integer
stn_opportunityid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Opportunity.OpportunityID]
stn_requiredintakes integer [note: 'Required Intakes']
stn_requiredleads integer
stn_requiredscreening integer
new_participationtarget integer
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Site [note:'internal name: site', headercolor: #990D0D] {
siteid integer [primary key]
Name char(100) [note: 'Site Name']
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Prescreen [note: 'Internal table name: msdyn_workorder', headercolor: #990D0D] {
msdyn_workorderId integer [primary key, note: 'Prescreen ID']
stn_studysiteid integer [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid, note: 'Foreign key for study site table']
stn_originatinglead char(100) [ref: > PRM.Lead.leadid, note: "Foreign key to leads table"]
msdyn_name char(100)
mastercontactID char(100) [ref: > PRM.Contact.contactid]
statecode ENUM.ActiveInactive [note: "Integer Value: Active=0 / Inactive = 1"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Prescreen_Task [note: 'Internal table name: msdyn_workorderservicetask', headercolor: #990D0D] {
msdyn_workorderservicetaskId integer [primary key]
msdyn_WorkOrder integer [ref: > PRM.Prescreen.msdyn_workorderId]
stn_WorkOrderTypeID integer [note: 'Foreign key for Prescreen Type table']
Name CHAR(100)
statecode ENUM.ActiveInactive [note: "Integer Value: Active=0 / Inactive = 1"]
stn_studyparticipantid char(100) [ref: > PRM.StudyParticipant.new_studyparticipantid]
stn_dnqreasonid char(100)
stn_studysiteid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid]
msdyn_booking char(100) [ref: > PRM.BookableResourceBooking.BookableResourceBookingId]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.Activity [note: "Internal table name: activitypointer", headercolor: #990D0D]{
ActivityId CHAR(100) [primary key]
statecode ENUM.ActivityStatuses [note: "Integer values 0 - 3"]
statuscode integer [note: "Open =1 / closed = 0"]
regardingobjectid CHAR(100) [ref: > PRM.Lead.leadid]
activitytypecode CHAR(100) [note: "Phone Call / email, etc"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.StudyParticipant [note: "Internal Table name: new_studyparticipant", headercolor: #990D0D]{
new_studyparticipantid integer [primary key]
new_firstname char(100)
new_lastname char(100)
new_studyid char(100)
new_studysiteid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid]
stn_recruitingcontactid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Contact.contactid, note: "Connects to Parent ContactID"]
stn_patientid GUID [ref: > PRM.Contact.contactid, note:"Connects to Patient_Pkey in CC. But only has a value if there is a contact associated with this record. (Type: CCPatient)"]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
new_clinicalconductorpatientid integer [note: "CC Patient Key. Even if there is no contact associated with StudyParticipant, this field will be popluated if imported from CC"]
Table PRM.PhoneCallActivity [note: "Internal table name: phonecall", headercolor: #990D0D]{
Id char(100) [primary key]
ActivityID char(100) [ref: > PRM.Activity.ActivityId, note: "Foreign key for the Activity table"]
RegardingObjectId char(100) [note: "Foreign Key to CampaingActivities table"]
ActualStart Date
ActualEnd Date
ActualDurationMinutes integer
softphon_durationseconds integer
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.StudyCommand [note: "Internal table name: stn_studycommand", headercolor: #990D0D]{
Id char(100) [primary key, ref: < PRM.Prescreen_Task.stn_dnqreasonid]
stn_name char(100) [note: "Text of the DNQ Reason Code. Why was the PreScreen disqualified"]
statecode integer
statuscode integer [note: "Open =1 / closed = 0"]
stn_studysiteid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid]
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.BookableResourceBooking [note: "Internal table name: bookableresoucebooking", headercolor: #990D0D]{
BookableResourceBookingId char(100) [primary key]
msdyn_WorkOrder char(100) [note: "Foreign key to PRM.Prescreen"]
name char(100)
BookingStatus char(100)
stn_clinicalconductorstatus char(100)
stn_cancellationreason char(100)
stn_cancellationcomments char(100)
StateCode char(100)
StatusCode char(100)
SinkCreatedOn datetime
SinkModifiedOn datetime
Table PRM.GlobalOptionsetMetadata [note: "Internal table name: GlobalOptionsetMetadata.csv", headercolor: #990D0D]{
OptionID integer [primary key, note:"Autonumber"]
ColumnName char(100)
Value integer
Expired boolean
TypeID integer
OptionText char(100)
FieldName char(100)
TableName char(100)
Table PRM.Opportunity [headercolor: #990D0D] {
OpportunityID char(100) [primary key]
new_studyid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Study.new_StudyID]
stn_site char(100) [ref: > PRM.Site.siteid, ref: <> PRM.Study_Site.new_siteid]
stn_sitename char(100) [note: 'Actual Site Name. Can also be derived from the site table']
new_pipelinephase char(150)
new_sponsorsidname char(150)
campaignid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Campaign.CampaignID]
stn_estimatedenrollmentstart date
estimatedclosedate date
new_therapeuticarea char(150)
new_indicationtext char(150)
Table PRM.ParticipantVisits [headercolor: #990D0D, note: "Tablename: new_participantvisitid"] {
new_participantvisitid integer [primary key]
new_studyparticipantid GUID [ref: > PRM.StudyParticipant.new_studyparticipantid]
new_name char(250) [note: "Name and purpose of payment to patient"]
new_date date [note: "There is also an invoice date. Not sure why there are 2"]
new_studysiteid char(100) [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid]
new_totalbillableamount decimal
new_invoicedamount decimal
new_clinicalconductorid integer
Table PRM.BusinessCentralEntry [headercolor:#79AD51, note: "Tablename: new_businesscentralentry"] {
new_businesscentralentryid GUID [primary key]
new_siteid GUID [note: "Foreign key to sites"]
new_documentno char(100) [note: "Link to Microsoft Business Central"]
new_studysiteidname GUID [ref: > PRM.Study_Site.new_studysiteid, note: "Foreign key to Study Site in CRM"]
Table PRM.BusinessCentralRevenue [headercolor: #79AD51, note: "Tablename: new_businesscentralrevenue"] {
new_businesscentralrevenueid GUID [primary key]
new_businesscentralentryid GUID [ref: > PRM.BusinessCentralEntry.new_businesscentralentryid, note: "Foreign Key"]
new_amount DECIMAL(10,2) [note: "Invoice amount"]
new_invoicelineitemid GUID [note: "Foreign key to invoice line item"]
new_studyrevenueid GUID [ref: > PRM.StudyRevenue.new_studyrevenueid, note: "Foreign key to Study Revenue table"]
Table PRM.StudyRevenue [headercolor: #79AD51]{
new_studyrevenueid GUID [primary key]
new_participantvisitid GUID [ref: > PRM.ParticipantVisits.new_participantvisitid]
new_participantvisitidname char(100)
new_amount decimal(8,2)
Table PRM.SubSite [headercolor: #990D0D] {
new_subsiteid GUID [primary key]
new_siteid GUID [ref: > PRM.Site.siteid]
name char(200) [note: 'Sub Site Name']
stn_ccdwinstanceuid GUI [note: 'Foreign Key to CC Instance UID']
enum ENUM.LeadStatus {
enum ENUM.LeadState {
enum ENUM.ActiveInactive {
enum ENUM.ActivityStatuses{
Hi Adnan,
Currently, dbdiagram and dbdocs have separate pricing plans that serve different use cases (ERDs vs database documents). So that’s why you don’t see the table header colors displaying on the published doc page although you’ve subscribed to dbdiagram paid plans.
Hope the information helps. We will consider improving our pricing structure in the future.
Which subscription do I need to activate this feature on the published version.